Natural Menopause Treatments for Hot Flashes

More than any other requests for natural menopause treatments, the search for a relief from hot flashes it one of the most commonly noted complaints perimenopausal women present to their doctors. It does not matter if menopausal symptoms are due to an endometrial ablation, induced menopause because of a vaginal hysterectomy, or skipped periods associated with premature ovarian failure, the facts dictate that menstrual migraines, an overactive bladder, and even mood swings pale in severity and impact when compared to the unrest, discomfort and frustration rooted in the most vexing of all hormonal imbalance symptoms: hot flashes.

Those who have never been faced with hot flashes that come as the result of a lack of natural progesterone and estrogen will most likely not understand the severity of discomfort these symptoms of early menopause forces upon women:

  • Hot flashes not only cause feelings of hotness or coldness but actually result in embarrassing sweating episodes that may leave you with dark circles under your arms and in your back.
  • Fatigue quite frequently accompanies the body’s inability to properly regulate its own temperature.
  • Night sweats will rob you of your ability to have a good night’s sleep.
  • Light headedness as well as nausea and diarrhea may be suffered concurrently with hot flashes.

In the past, women looked for help with hot flashes from the most commonly applied treatment: hormone replacement therapy in conjunction with progesterone cream. In addition to the foregoing, those with an acute sense of fertility awareness also used oral contraceptives at the onset in the hopes of not only effecting birth control but also relieving hot flashes. Yet since oral contraceptives carry a host of risks, many modern women have chosen instead to look to herbal extracts that promise the same effects as supplementation with testosterone cream, natural testosterone, elemental calcium, black cohosh, hawthorn flower and a host of other herbs and dietary supplements that promised relief.

Yet over time it became known that the health claims made by many a compounding pharmacy selling such salves and tinctures were overrated, overstated, or glossed over the more dangerous aspects of the herbs included. In addition to the foregoing, many a bone density test revealed a loss of bone mass due to the direct interaction between some of the herbs with one another. While relieving perimenopausal symptoms is important, women began to realize that making up for estrogen dominance could quite possibly kill them.

Fortunately, those who have come face to face with an estrogen and progesterone deficiency also understand that some natural menopause treatments do not carry the heavy side effects that make other such approaches undesirable. Hot Flash Freedom, for example, is the kind of formula that relies on the harmony of a variety of safe herbal substances to achieve the relief of a host of menopausal symptoms in addition to the dreaded hot flashes.